Monday, October 20, 2014

City Reinstitutes Breathalyzer and Proposes Increased DWI Fine

Aaron Aguilar Iniguez, Director of Municipal Transit Police, told reporters that the city began, as of 10:00 pm Saturday night, subjecting random drivers to a breathalyzer test. The tests began at the intersection of the Avenida del Mar and Rafael Buelna up to the Mega grocery store.
The Director said the location of the random tests would take place on streets with the highest vehicular traffic, including streets such as Rio Baluarte and Cruz Lizarraga where young people are known to speed.
In addition to giving breathalyzer tests automobile registrations and drivers licenses will be checked. These verifications will identify stolen vehicles and outstanding warrants he said.
Anyone who fails the breathalyzer test will be taken to jail, held for 12 hours and be assessed a fine. Currently the fine ranges from 701 pesos ($54) to 1,275 pesos ($98).
However, the Municipal Council of Public Security, the Ministry of Public Security and Municipal Transit Police have proposed that the fine be increased to 100 to 300 times the minimum daily wage or from 6,377 pesos ($490) to 19,131 pesos ($1,475).
Renato Ocampo Alcántar, Secretary of the Municipal Council of Public Security, said “We are talking about 100 to 300 minimum wages as is done in Monterrey or Guadalajara. Why, because unfortunately the fine has to hurt in the pocket of the people for them to understand the severity of the offence.”
(from Noroeste)

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