Friday, August 22, 2014

Residents of “Ice Box Hill” Oppose New Antenna

icebox hill
Residents are concerned about possible health effects from the proposed transmission tower.
A group of citizens living on el Cerro de la Nevería (Ice Box Hill) have expressed their dissatisfaction over the proposed antenna to be added to those already existing around their homes.
At first when they saw a parcel of land being cleared, they assumed that someone was going to build a new home at the location. But soon they saw workmen from a telecommunication company on the site.
Mayor Felton met with concerned homeowners on Ice Box Hill.
Mayor Felton met with concerned homeowners on Ice Box Hill.
The homeowners say they were not informed of the proposed new antenna nor was their consent obtained. Many are concerned over the possible harmful effects the antennas may cause, including cancer.
Oscar Diaz Acosta, a homeowner on Ice Box Hill, said the homeowners are also concerned about the effect the antennae have on their property values. He said there are already about 30 antennae in their neighborhood.
Oscar Diaz said they have requested the mayor and city council to take action on this matter. He added, “They (homeowners) are afraid of the rumors that have emerged about the possible health hazards that these antennas can cause, including cancer, from the radiation emitted from antennae. So we want them removed because first there were houses and then the antennae were installed.”
At the insistence of the homeowners, municipal authorities and members of the city council came to Ice Box Hill to visit the site and listen to the ideas of neighbors.
(from Noroeste)

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