Thursday, May 29, 2014

Work Begins on Gas Pipeline

Topolobambo: With an investment of 5,300 million pesos, the gas pipeline in Sinaloa will be operative by December 1, 2016, according to estimations by the coordinator of strategic projects in Sinaloa, Francisco Labastida Gómez.
At the signing of the agreement between the Comisión Federal de Electricidad, the Sinaloa government and the company Transportadora de Gas Natural de Noroeste, Labastida Gómez announced once the pipeline is operational Sinaloa will have 400 million cubic feet of natural gas daily, signifying a savings of 1,000 million pesos daily.
The company constructing the pipeline, Transportadora de Gas Natural del Noroeste, is affiliated with the Canadian company Transcanada which will administer the project.
The natural gas, he stated, will originate in the United States and be conducted by five lines, two to Sonora, two through Chihuahua and one to Sinaloa. The Sinaloa line will be connected at San Blas in the municipality of El Fuerte and from there will connect to Mazatlán.
 (from Noroeste)

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